The Five Stages of Grief: What Happens When We Lose Someone
•Posted on June 18 2024

Grief is a complex and universal human experience that can occur in response to any type of loss. It is an emotional journey that can feel deeply personal and isolating, as it involves a range of intense emotions such as sadness, anger, guilt, and confusion.
When we lose someone or something dear to us, we embark on a rollercoaster of emotions, often navigating what is commonly referred to as the five stages of grief, as defined by psychologist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These stages are not necessarily linear nor do they occur in a predictable order, but they serve as a useful framework for understanding the complex emotions involved in the grieving process.
In this article, we'll delve into each stage, offering insight and understanding to help you navigate this challenging terrain with more clarity and compassion.
The Five Stages of Grief
First Stage of Grief: Denial
The mind uses denial as a buffer against the overwhelming emotions that flood our consciousness when faced with painful realities.
Second Stage of Grief: Anger
Anger can manifest in various ways, ranging from self-blame to frustration with others or even anger at the situation that caused the loss.
As time passes, the initial wave of shock and disbelief can gradually give way to a surge of anger. This anger can manifest itself in various ways, ranging from self-blame to frustration with others or even anger at the situation that caused the loss. It's important to remember that these feelings of anger are natural, and stem from a sense of powerlessness and frustration with the circumstances that led to the loss. It's okay to feel angry, and it's important to find healthy ways to cope with these emotions.
Third Stage of Grief: Bargaining
During the bargaining stage, the mind experiences a deep desire to regain control and reverse the sense of loss. This stage is characterized by a series of "if only" statements and attempts to negotiate with fate or a higher power. You may make promises or seek alternative outcomes, desperately trying to undo what has already been done. The bargaining stage can be marked by a sense of desperation, as you struggle to come to terms with the changes that have taken place and try to find a way to restore the status quo. Despite your efforts, however, you may ultimately find that some losses cannot be undone, and that you must learn to accept and move forward with the changes that life has brought your way.
Fourth Stage of Grief: Depression
Depression is marked by a deep sense of mourning, as the full weight of the loss settles in and leaves you feeling drained and depleted.
Depression is a stage of grief that is often recognizable due to its unique set of emotional and physical symptoms. During this stage, it is common to feel an overwhelming sense of sadness, as if the world around you has lost its color and brightness.
Numbness may also set in, leaving you feeling disconnected from your emotions and from the people around you. This stage is marked by a deep sense of mourning, as the full weight of the loss settles in and leaves you feeling drained and depleted. You may feel hopeless, as if things will never get better, and a profound sense of emptiness may pervade your thoughts and feelings.
Fifth Stage of Grief: Acceptance
Acceptance is a powerful tool for healing, one that allows us to find a sense of closure and move forward with hope and resilience.
Understanding Anticipatory Grief
Grief is typically defined as the experience that comes after losing a loved one. However, anticipatory grief is also a commonly experienced set of emotions that individuals go through before a significant change or loss in their lives. This process is usually observed in people who are suffering from a terminal illness or are facing a significant life change. Anticipatory grief can be a complex and challenging experience for those going through it. Anticipatory grief is a natural response that allows individuals and their loved ones to prepare emotionally and mentally for the imminent loss. It can manifest in various ways, such as sadness, anxiety, fear, and distress. Recognizing and addressing this form of grief is crucial, as it can help individuals cope with their emotions and better handle the impending loss.Ways to Cope From Grief
Dealing with grief can be challenging. However, coping mechanisms can help alleviate some of the burden. Seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can provide a safe and secure environment to express your emotions and receive comfort and guidance. Additionally, engaging in self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or pursuing creative outlets can also help alleviate the symptoms of grief and promote emotional healing.
It's essential to bear in mind that the grieving process is unique to each person. There isn't a universal approach to handling grief that works for everyone. It's crucial to learn how to manage grief for the sake of your physical and mental health. Grief can affect several aspects of your daily routine, such as your appetite, sleeping habits, mood, energy levels, and even your physical well-being, which can lead to problems like hypertension.
Experiencing grief after a significant loss is a natural reaction, but it can be challenging to manage. While it may not always require treatment, seeking support can help you regulate your emotions and avoid negative consequences. You may want to consider confiding in a trusted individual, such as a family member or close friend, or seeking assistance from a grief counselor, therapist, support group, spiritual or religious leader, or your doctor. Remember that it is essential to prioritize self-care during this challenging period.
Overcoming Grief through Comfort Cards
Grief can be an overwhelming and isolating experience that can leave people feeling lost and alone. However, one way to help support those who are grieving is through affirmation cards, such as GNight Fetcher's Comfort Cards. These cards are designed to offer words of comfort and encouragement during difficult times and contain sincere messages from a grief counselor that can provide a source of solace and comfort.
These cards are helpful and easy to carry. They are pocket-sized and can be taken with you wherever you go. In fact, they even come with a lovely box that makes it easy to carry them during travels. Additionally, each card has a blank space on the back where you can write down your thoughts or draw memories of you and your loved one, making them a personalized and meaningful memento.
By including these cards in your daily practice, you or your grieving friend can take a small step toward healing.
Read more in our blog, What are Grief Affirmation Cards - also known as Comfort Cards for loss?
Healing From Grief
The journey of dealing with grief can be complex and unique for everyone. However, it's comforting to know that there are five stages of grief, and anticipatory grief plays a crucial role in helping us cope with loss in a graceful and resilient way.
Remember, grief is not a linear process, and it's perfectly okay to move between stages or revisit them as needed. By seeking support and adopting coping mechanisms like comfort cards, we can honor our loved ones' memories while finding hope and healing during these difficult times.
Read about in our blog, A Unique Celebration of Life: Ghana’s Festive Funerals.
Q. What is anticipatory grief, and how does it differ from regular grief?
A: People and their loved ones can experience anticipatory grief before an actual loss occurs, which enables them to prepare emotionally and psychologically. Anticipatory grief is distinct from regular grief in that it occurs prior to the actual loss event.
Q. How can I support someone who is grieving?
A: Meaningful ways to offer comfort include providing your presence, listening without judgment, and offering practical assistance. You can also consider gifting comfort cards to offer solace.
Q. Is it normal to experience all five stages of grief?
A: Not everyone goes through all stages of grief or in the same order, as it is a highly individualized process and everyone copes with loss in their own way.
Q. How long does grief typically last?
A: There is no fixed timeline for grief as it varies significantly from person to person, and it depends on several factors such as the nature of the loss and an individual's coping mechanisms. Grief is a journey that lasts a lifetime, and it evolves over time.
Q. Can grief ever be completely overcome?
A: The process of grief is not about overcoming it, but rather accepting and integrating it into our lives. Although the intensity of grief may decrease with time, the loss will always be a part of us, influencing our experiences and relationships in significant ways.